
The Current Market Environment is Broken

Both managers and investors need a strategic partner to provide targeted structural and investment advice as well as support to better utilize brokerage resources.

The current clearing and execution environment is rapidly changing and not for the betterment of managers or investors. FCM consolidation is leading to higher transaction costs and declining service levels.

Advisory services employing limited generic value-added support with added fees is not helpful to investors or managers. Advise on alternative investments strategies that are true diversifiers or complements to existing portfolios requires specialized knowledge.

Investors need targeted research on alpha generation and beta management for better portfolio decision-making in both good times and bad. Advice needs to be focused on effective low-cost solutions.

Managers need help to gain economies of scale through strategic capital introductions and business support. Managers can grow their business through better use of clearing and execution alternatives that improve credit, operational, and investment risks.

Given our decades of experience, we want to be your trusted advisor and outsourced CIO within the global macro/ managed futures strategy space.